Shop Ostomy Odor Deodorizers

Ideal to stop odors in the ostomy pouch, the bathroom or in the air!

Guaranteed reliability and effectiveness.

Natural and environmentally safe.

Natural and environmentally safe.

Lasts 4 times longer than sprays.

Fits easily into a purse or pocket.

9 ml (0.3 oz), Unscented Ostomy Deodorizer | Just'a Spray


30 ml (1 oz.), Unscented Ostomy Deodorizer | Just'a Drop


55 ml (1.86 oz), Unscented Ostomy Deodorizer | Just'a Spray


220 ml (7.44 oz), Unscented Ostomy Deodorizer | Just'a Spray


9 ml (0.3 oz), Baby Powder Scent, Advanced Ostomy Deodorizer | Just'a Spray


220 ml (7.44 oz), Baby Powder Scent Advanced Ostomy Deodorizer | Just'a Spray


30 ml (1 oz.), Light Eucalyptus Scent Ostomy Deodorizer | Just'a Drop


240 ml (8 oz), Light Eucalyptus Scent Ostomy Deodorizer | Just'a Drop


30 ml (1 oz.), Eucalyptus Scent, Extra Strength Ostomy Deodorizer | Just'a Drop
