October 2018 – Worried You Reek Like Weed? Prelam Has An ‘Odour Eliminator’ For You – Huddle

MONCTON – The makers of Just’a Dropbathroom odour eliminators are stepping into the recreational cannabis market when it becomes legal October 17. Prelam Enterprises will launch the LUKY8 spray that day, which it claims will eliminate, and not just mask, the odour that comes with marijuana smoke.

“My goal was to give privacy to those people who will want to experiment because it’s legal all of a sudden,” said Prelam co-founder Luc Jalbert. “I figured there’s going to be millions of people trying it. There’ll be a lot of people buying it in the store because it’s legal, but they don’t want to advertise it, they don’t want their kids to know they had a puff.”

Jalbert said people who don’t traditionally use the substance may want to try it, including Baby Boomers. But as most people know, marijuana has a distinct smell that many may find too strong and obvious.

“Sometimes I’ll be in line at a bank or something and I can smell the cannabis on the guy behind me, it’s like, ‘wow, that’s a very distinct smell’,” Jalbert said. “My objective was to remove that taboo feeling that you could have a joint but you don’t have to advertise it.”

LUKY8. Image: LUKY8.com

Jalbert said the LUKY8 is unlike other odour elimination sprays in the market because it “encapsulates the molecule [that creates the odour] and actually knocks it out.”

He used a formula aimed at the agricultural sector, he said. The product was researched, designed and manufactured in Moncton.

Users of the product just need to spray the air around them, their clothes or their furniture after consuming marijuana. Once sprayed, the LUKY8, which is safe for pets, will leave a light berry scent.

While a few other odour eliminators exist in the market, they are in the U.S. or are designed for grow rooms. Others don’t work immediately or are in the form of essential oils that change the characteristics of the molecules and don’t destroy them, Jalbert said.

“[LUKY8] is not a masker, it’s not an air freshener, it’s a real cannabis odour eliminator,” he said.

Jalbert said his odour elimination business, which already sells Just’a Drop in different parts of the world, is well-placed to enter an expanding market of products stemming from cannabis legalization.

“We’re a specialist in that space and we’re excited to bring it to the market. So consumers, if they see a need for it, hopefully, they’ll buy our product and support us,” he said.

Prelam is also looking at manufacturing other products to serve the recreational cannabis market, including skin care products.

“I’m looking into how we can get involved in the [cannabidiol] topical creams because that’s good for pain,” he said. “We want to see where else we can be in that space. What else we can bring to the market…what else can we do in our space to take advantage of this big boom that’s going to be going on for the next two years.”

Prelam will begin selling the LUKY8 through its website on October 17. Prelam is in talks to sell LUKY8 at official cannabis retailers across Canada, as well as tobacco shops that sell marijuana-related accessories and retail chains. It also plans to offer the sale of individually labelled products to certain distributors. It will solicit business from all licensed producers in Canada, he said.

“Definitely, our message is always about responsibility,” he said. “We don’t want the kids to think of [the odour eliminator] as something they can use to get away from getting caught by their parents. It’s more for the adult industry.”

LUKY8 will be available in the 220 ml format, a 50 ml bottle or the pocket-sized 4 ml spray.

Octobre 2018 : Une entreprise du Nouveau-Brunswick a déchiffré le code pour lutter contre les odeurs de cannabis

Une entreprise du Nouveau-Brunswick a déchiffré le code pour lutter contre les odeurs de cannabis

PRELAM veut aider les adultes à consommer dignement, sans odeurs intrusives

Moncton (N.B.), October 11, 2018 – PRELAM, une entreprise du Nouveau-Brunswick spécialisée dans l’élimination des odeurs, veut aider les adultes à consommer leur cannabis avec dignité et sans odeur intrusive. Situé à Moncton, PRELAM lancera un nouveau produit innovateur, le LUKY8 : un éliminateur d’odeurs de cannabis. Le vaporisateur LUKY8, un produit respectueux de l’environnement, sera mis en vente à partir du 17 octobre 2018, date officielle de la légalisation du cannabis au Canada. Il sera disponible à l’achat sur prelam.com.

Contrairement aux autres sprays d’élimination des odeurs que l’on trouve généralement sur le marché, LUCKY8 ne se contente pas de masquer l’odeur, il l’élimine. Il enveloppe puis détruit la molécule de cannabis. Il ne reste dans l’atmosphère qu’un agréable parfum légèrement fruité.

«Nous tendons la main aux adultes qui souhaitent prendre une décision éclairée et réfléchie de consommer du cannabis de manière responsable. Nous leur offrons un moyen de leur assurer une expérience positive sans être inhibés par les désagréments des odeurs résiduelles gênantes », explique Luc Jalbert, co-fondateur de PRELAM. Il estime que l’entreprise, qui a déjà fait ses preuves avec Just’a Drop – un produit d’élimination des odeurs de toilettes commercialisé dans le monde entier – est en position idéale pour se lancer sur un marché en expansion des produits issus de la légalisation du cannabis.

« L’élimination et le contrôle des odeurs désagréables est notre force et notre spécialité. Nous ne manquons certainement pas d’audace et d’imagination dans ce domaine. Nous créons ici un produit qui pourra être distribué partout au pays », déclare M. Jalbert, qui indique que LUKY8 sera le premier du genre, car il n’y a pas d’autres produits comme celui-ci sur le marché.

Comment fonctionne LUKY8 ?

Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de vaporiser l’air autour de vous, vos vêtements ou les meubles après avoir consommé. LUKY8 agit rapidement et ne présente aucun danger pour les animaux domestiques. Il peut être acheté au format 220 ml ou au format de poche 4 ml. La recherche, la conception et la fabrication de LUKY8 ont lieu à Moncton, au Nouveau-Brunswick.

Bientôt en vente partout

Le PRELAM entreprend des discussions pour assurer la vente de LUKY8 chez les détaillants officiels de cannabis partout au Canada ainsi que dans divers bureaux de tabac qui vendent des accessoires pour l’usage du cannabis et dans les grandes chaînes de vente au détail. L’entreprise envisage également de proposer la vente de produits labellisés individuellement à certains distributeurs.

A propos du PRELAM

PRELAM a été fondée en 1999 par Luc Jalbert et Don Goguen et se spécialise dans les assainisseurs d’air. Elle est reconnue pour ses produits innovateurs pour le contrôle et l’élimination de toutes sortes d’odeurs désagréables. Plus d’informations peuvent être trouvées en consultant leur site internet (www.prelam.com).




Luc Jalbert, co-fondateur


T: (506) 856-0252

October 2018: A New Brunswick business has cracked the code for combatting cannabis odours

A New Brunswick business has cracked the code for combatting cannabis odours

PRELAM wants to help adults to consume with dignity, without any intrusive odours

Moncton (N.B.), October 11, 2018 – PRELAM, a business from New Brunswick specialising in odour elimination, wants to help adults to consume their cannabis with dignity and without any intrusive odours. Located in Moncton, PRELAM will launch a new, innovative product, the LUKY8: a cannabis odour eliminator. The LUKY8 spray, an environmentally friendly product, will be on sale from 17 October 2018, the official date for cannabis legalisation in Canada. It will be available for purchase at prelam.com .

Unlike other odour elimination sprays that are usually found on the market, LUKY8 doesn’t just mask the odour, it eliminates it. It envelops and then destroys the cannabis molecule. All that remains in the atmosphere is a pleasant, slightly fruity scent.

“We are reaching out to adults who want to make an informed and considered decision to consume cannabis responsibly. We offer them a way to ensure a positive experience without being inhibited by the inconvenience of annoying residual odours”, explains Luc Jalbert, co-founder of PRELAM. He believes that the business, which has already proved itself with Just’a Drop – a toilet odour elimination product on sale worldwide – is in an ideal position to launch itself into an expanding market of products resulting from the legalisation of cannabis.

“The elimination and control of unpleasant odours is our strength and our specialty. We are certainly not lacking in boldness and imagination in this area. We are creating a product here that can be distributed all over the country,” declares Mr. Jalbert, who indicates that LUKY8 will be the first of its kind, as there are no other products like it on the market.

How does LUKY8 work?

All you have to do is spray the air around you, your clothes, or the furniture after consuming. LUKY8 acts quickly and poses no danger to pets. It can be bought in the 220ml format, or the pocket-sized 4ml format. The research, design and manufacturing of LUKY8 take place in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Soon to be on sale everywhere

PRELAM is undertaking discussions to ensure that LUKY8 is on sale with official cannabis retailers all over Canada as well as in various tobacco shops that sell accessories for the use of cannabis, and in large retail chains. The business also plans to offer the sale of individually labelled products to certain distributors.


PRELAM was founded in 1999 by Luc Jalbert and Don Goguen and specialises in air fresheners. It is recognized for its innovative products for the control and elimination of all kinds of unpleasant odours. More information can be found by consulting their website (www.prelam.com).




Luc Jalbert, co-founder


T: (506) 856-0252