Tag Archive for: Prelam Enterprises

September 2019 : Prelam Signs Distribution Agreement for its LUKY8™ Cannabis Odour Removers with Zenabis

Moncton, New Brunswick – September 23rd, 2019 – Prelam Enterprises (“Prelam” or the ”Company”), a New Brunswick-based business specializing in innovative odour control solutions, is pleased to announce it has entered into an exclusive distribution agreement (“Agreement”) with Zenabis Global Inc. (TSX:ZENA) (“Zenabis”) for the Company’s LUKY8™ cannabis odour removers (“LUKY8”) in Canada.

Different from traditional perfume-based odour removal products, LUKY8’s biodegradable formula safely captures cannabis odour molecules and breaks them down to eliminate the smell entirely from the air or on clothes, while leaving behind a pleasant scent.

“LUKY8 has been available at all Cannabis NB stores for a few months now and the sales have far exceeded our expectations,” explained Luc Jalbert, co-founder of Prelam. “The entire production process, from research and development through to product design and manufacturing, are completed in-house at our Moncton facility. We are very excited about this partnership with a company as significant as Zenabis. This will help us expand our distribution networks and replicate the success LUKY8 has found in New Brunswick on a national scale.”

The Company believes that this agreement will help solidify LUKY8’s leading position in the market of odour elimination products for cannabis.

“Prelam offers a range of odour elimination products that have proven to be both effective and pleasant,” commented David Lluncor, Chief Revenue Officer of Zenabis. “The LUKY8 brand of odour eliminating sprays and candles offer consumers a more discreet way of enjoying combustible cannabis products and are a perfect complement to Zenabis’ dried cannabis portfolio. As Zenabis continues to deepen its retail cannabis distribution channels across the country, we look forward to growing both of our businesses through this partnership.”

About Prelam

Founded in 1999 by Luc Jalbert and Don Goguen, Prelam Enterprises is a Canadian company that specializes in the manufacturing and exporting of high-quality air-care and innovative malodor control products. The Moncton headquarters houses a chemistry lab, design team and bottling facility where products are manufactured and distributed globally. More information can be found by consulting the Company’s website (www.prelam.com).

About Zenabis

Zenabis is a significant Canadian licensed cannabis cultivator of medical and recreational cannabis, and a propagator and cultivator of floral and vegetable products. Zenabis employs staff coast-to-coast, across facilities in Atholville, New Brunswick; Delta, Aldergrove, Pitt Meadows and Langley, British Columbia; and Stellarton, Nova Scotia. In addition to gaining technologically advanced knowledge of plant propagation, the recent addition of state-of-the-art greenhouses in Langley, Pitt Meadows and Aldergrove provides Zenabis with 3.5 million square feet of facility space that can, if fully converted, be dedicated to cannabis production.

If all facility space at Zenabis Atholville, Zenabis Stellarton and Zenabis Langley is fully converted and dedicated to production, Zenabis will own, and have access to 635,000 square feet of high quality indoor cannabis production space, as well as 2.1 million square feet of greenhouse cannabis production space at its Langley facility, with this production strategically positioned on Canada’s coasts. Zenabis expects these facilities to have an annual design capacity of 143,200 kg of dried cannabis under its existing capital plan. These facilities, if fully built out and converted for cannabis production, would have an annual design capacity to yield approximately 490,800 kg of dried cannabis annually, for both national and international market distribution. An additional 700,000 square feet of greenhouse space will be used to continue the existing propagation business and produce industrial hemp, and can be converted to cannabis production at such a time that is beneficial to the strategic position of Zenabis. The Zenabis brand name is used in the cannabis medical market, while the Namaste and Blazery brand names are used in the cannabis adult-use recreational market, and the True Büch brand name is used for Zenabis’ kombucha products.



Prelam Enterprises

Luc Jalbert, cofounder
Prelam Enterprises
T: (506)856-0252

Zenabis Investor Relations

T: 1-855-936-8847

October 2018: A New Brunswick business has cracked the code for combatting cannabis odours

A New Brunswick business has cracked the code for combatting cannabis odours

PRELAM wants to help adults to consume with dignity, without any intrusive odours

Moncton (N.B.), October 11, 2018 – PRELAM, a business from New Brunswick specialising in odour elimination, wants to help adults to consume their cannabis with dignity and without any intrusive odours. Located in Moncton, PRELAM will launch a new, innovative product, the LUKY8: a cannabis odour eliminator. The LUKY8 spray, an environmentally friendly product, will be on sale from 17 October 2018, the official date for cannabis legalisation in Canada. It will be available for purchase at prelam.com .

Unlike other odour elimination sprays that are usually found on the market, LUKY8 doesn’t just mask the odour, it eliminates it. It envelops and then destroys the cannabis molecule. All that remains in the atmosphere is a pleasant, slightly fruity scent.

“We are reaching out to adults who want to make an informed and considered decision to consume cannabis responsibly. We offer them a way to ensure a positive experience without being inhibited by the inconvenience of annoying residual odours”, explains Luc Jalbert, co-founder of PRELAM. He believes that the business, which has already proved itself with Just’a Drop – a toilet odour elimination product on sale worldwide – is in an ideal position to launch itself into an expanding market of products resulting from the legalisation of cannabis.

“The elimination and control of unpleasant odours is our strength and our specialty. We are certainly not lacking in boldness and imagination in this area. We are creating a product here that can be distributed all over the country,” declares Mr. Jalbert, who indicates that LUKY8 will be the first of its kind, as there are no other products like it on the market.

How does LUKY8 work?

All you have to do is spray the air around you, your clothes, or the furniture after consuming. LUKY8 acts quickly and poses no danger to pets. It can be bought in the 220ml format, or the pocket-sized 4ml format. The research, design and manufacturing of LUKY8 take place in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Soon to be on sale everywhere

PRELAM is undertaking discussions to ensure that LUKY8 is on sale with official cannabis retailers all over Canada as well as in various tobacco shops that sell accessories for the use of cannabis, and in large retail chains. The business also plans to offer the sale of individually labelled products to certain distributors.


PRELAM was founded in 1999 by Luc Jalbert and Don Goguen and specialises in air fresheners. It is recognized for its innovative products for the control and elimination of all kinds of unpleasant odours. More information can be found by consulting their website (www.prelam.com).




Luc Jalbert, co-founder


T: (506) 856-0252

January 2018 : Not-so-sweet smells spell success for N.B. business

By Alan Cochrane – January 9, 2018

Prelam Enterprises co-founder Luc Jalbert - Just'a Drop

Luc Jalbert is on a mission to make the world less smelly, one toilet at a time.

“We started 13 years ago, with a mission to educate consumers that there is something that really works to stop the smell when you go number 2, but you have to use it before you go,” Jalbert said Tuesday. “Just put a drop or two into the toilet bowl before you sit down on the toilet with your paper, and it will create a barrier to stop the smell.”

Jalbert is the co-founder of Prelam Enterprises, a Moncton-based company that makes a variety of products that are chemically designed to surround and deodorize the smelly gas molecules associated with going to the toilet.

On Saturday, he will make his 30th trip to China, where he will announce that two of those products, Just’a Drop and Just’a Spray are now sold by major Chinese retailers, Jalbert said making deals to sell these products in cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong represents a huge market with millions of potential costumers.

He said Prelam received support from Opportunities New Brunswick, which helped him make deals with distributors and retailers in China. Opportunity New Brunswick is a Crown corporation that seeks to attract and support opportunities to grow the economy and create jobs. Opportunities N.B. could not provide a spokesperson Tuesday to comment on next week’s trade mission and the support to Prelam Enterprises.

The Prelam products are developped, packaged and shipped from a single office and warehouse space on Baig Boulevard in the Moncton Industrial Park, which can produce 12 million bottles per year. The company has 12 employees, including full-time chemists, graphic artists and marketing specialists.

Besides Just’a Drop and Just’a Spray, Prelam has anti-odour sprays with catchy names like Poop-Eh!, Oh Crap, Pooping Bad and It wasn’t Me! For Valentine’s Day, there’s Love At First Poo, a toilet spray with the catch-phrase ” roses are red, violets are blue. spray in the bowl before you poo.”

The products are already sold at retailers in Canada, the U.S., Chile, Mexico and the Philippines. In Mexico, the Spanish translation is Gotaroma.

Jalbert said getting the products into China is a huge deal for him.

” I’ve always bought raw materials and packaging from China, but now I’m going back to sell the products there.”

Jalbert said he’s learned a lot about Chinese culture, language, government regulations and business practices over his 29 previous trips. One of the biggest obstacles about doing business has been language, and he’s still looking for employees who can translate marketing material from English.

Over the last 13 years, he’s heard lots of jokes about bodily functions and the smells associated with them. He’s also a bit of a David competing with corporate Goliaths who offer similar products. Without huge advertising budget, Prelam has staged a variety of promotional stunts. At one point, Jalbert set up a toilet in the middle of New York city’s Time Square, where people could sit to fill out a survey and pick up free samples.

“Free samples are great for marketing. I gave away lots of samples because I knew every time somebody tried it, they would tell 15 other people and make jokes about it, and they’d remember it.”

As he takes aim at toilet odours around the world, Jalbert is also marketing Luky 8 brand of skin creams and associated grooming products for men, These will also be available at stores in China.

Meanwhile, the company’s research and development department continues to work on industrial-strength odour elimination sprays for use in cattle barns, chicken coops, pig pens and other smelly places around the world.

To read the original article, click here

Janvier 2018 – Opportunités Nouveau Brunswick

La société néo-brunswickoise Prelam Enterprises nous parle de ses succès en matière d’exportation en Chine


En décembre 2016, nous nous étions entretenus avec l’entrepreneur Luc Jalbert au sujet du succès de sa société établie à Moncton, Prelam Enterprises, et de ses produits de toilette Just’a Drop et Just’a Spray. M. Jalbert revenait à l’époque tout juste d’une mission commerciale en Chine dirigée par le gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick. La société a depuis lors remanié sa stratégie en Chine et elle a récemment annoncé une percée marquante au sein de ce marché de prime importance.

ONB a recommuniqué avec Luc Jalbert à la veille de sa prochaine visite en Chine dans le cadre de notre plus récente mission commerciale débutant le 13 janvier.

ONB : Votre entreprise a parcouru beaucoup de chemin depuis la mission commerciale de 2016. Parlez-nous de vos plus récents succès en Chine.

Prelam Enterprises Nouveau-Brunswick ChineM. Jalbert : Les produits de Prelam sont vendus depuis novembre dans les établissements d’Aolaigo, une grande chaîne chinoise de magasins de vente au détail. Nous avons décidé de concentrer nos efforts sur les emplacements traditionnels comme point d’entrée en Chine plutôt que sur le commerce électronique. Il existe dans ce pays une préférence très prononcée pour les marques internationales par opposition aux marques intérieures, à tout le moins au sein de la classe moyenne, qui est en expansion croissante. On y observe ainsi une vague d’établissements de détail se spécialisant dans les produits comme les nôtres, faits au Nouveau-Brunswick.

Nous venons tout juste d’obtenir la confirmation que nos articles seront offerts dans la chaîne de magasins d’un autre grand détaillant ayant son siège à Hong Kong, qui se concentre sur les produits étrangers de haute qualité. C’est une nouvelle emballante! Nous nous sommes réellement bien implantés dans cette région du monde. Nos visites en Chine avec ONB et le gouvernement provincial nous ont permis d’apprendre comment mener efficacement des activités dans ce pays. J’y ai désormais aussi d’excellents partenaires pour la distribution; ils veillent à livrer nos produits dans les délais et nous aident à effectuer le marketing et la promotion.

Il a fallu à peu près une année, mais l’excellent travail de tous les intervenants a rapporté.

Vous aviez mentionné au cours de notre dernier entretien que les ventes en ligne constituaient votre point de mire. Pourquoi être passé du commerce électronique aux détaillants traditionnels?

Nous avons déterminé que viser le marché en ligne en premier lieu aurait été une erreur parce que personne ne connaissait le produit. Les magasins traditionnels constituaient le point de départ qui convenait : l’approche est préférable pour sensibiliser les gens et leur permettre de voir et d’essayer nos produits une première fois. Nous nous concentrerons sur le marché en ligne au cours de la prochaine année, en tentant d’accéder à Alibaba, JD.com et d’autres acteurs en ligne de premier plan. Nous ferons aussi énormément de promotion ciblée sur les médias sociaux. L’essentiel est désormais de présenter le produit aux gens dans les magasins et de les inviter à l’essayer. Ils sauront ensuite quoi chercher lorsqu’ils magasinent en ligne.

À propos d’Alibaba, vous avez participé à un voyage d’ONB à Toronto l’automne dernier. Notre équipe d’expansion des exportations a participé au salon Gateway ’17 en compagnie de plus d’une vingtaine d’organisations néo-brunswickoises. Parlez-nous de cette expérience.

Les activités de ce genre sont essentielles. Gateway s’est avéré une expérience extrêmement intéressante et informative. Le salon nous a aussi énormément stimulés. Accéder à Alibaba ou à JD.com coûte cher. Ces plateformes sont dispendieuses, mais elles atteignent un immense public de consommateurs. Nous sommes actuellement en train de nous organiser pour être présents sur les plateformes de médias sociaux chinoises comme WeChat et Sina Weibo, et nous comptons obtenir l’appui de leaders d’opinion clés, des célébrités chinoises, qui pourraient nous accorder leur soutien sur leurs propres médias sociaux. Nous sommes également en train d’embaucher un consultant qui nous aidera à mettre au point une stratégie de valorisation de notre marque en Chine.

ONB partira de nouveau vers l’est cette semaine dans le cadre de sa vaste mission commerciale multisectorielle en Chine. Vous faites encore partie de la délégation. Qu’espérez-vous accomplir cette fois-ci?

Comme au cours des missions précédentes, nous espérons qu’ONB nous ouvre la voie pour le jumelage. C’est en fait l’objectif de la mission : découvrir de nouvelles pistes tout en renforçant nos relations existantes. Je suis optimiste. Je pense que ces nouveaux efforts de jumelage accroîtront les affaires et que nous apprendrons encore davantage comment faire des affaires en Chine.

On apprend quelque chose de neuf chaque fois qu’on effectue une visite. Nous avons, par exemple, appris des choses sur l’étiquetage depuis notre visite de l’an dernier. Les étiquettes doivent faire état d’une date de production et doivent être traduites. Nous achèterons et ferons chez nous les étiquettes de notre prochain lot – fabriqué ici à Moncton. Nous payions auparavant un tiers qui était chargé de créer et de poser les étiquettes pour nous. On apprend au fur et à mesure qu’on avance.

Il s’agira de mon quatrième voyage en Chine au cours de la dernière année; ces déplacements sont essentiels. La classe moyenne chinoise compte actuellement environ 300 millions de consommateurs et ce nombre devrait grimper à 500 millions au cours des 24 prochains mois. Prelam se trouve dans une excellente position : ces consommateurs adorent les marques étrangères, les premières critiques de nos produits sont très positives et les consommateurs de ce pays ne sont tout simplement pas habitués à des produits uniques comme les nôtres. Chaque fois que j’ai rencontré des acheteurs lors de notre dernière mission, j’ai été étonné de constater à quel point les gens semblent adorer nos produits. Un potentiel énorme s’offre aux entreprises canadiennes dans ce pays.

Cliquez ici pour lire l’article originale

January 2018 – Opportunity New Brunswick

New Brunswick’s Prelam Enterprises Talks Export Success in China


In December 2016, we spoke to entrepreneur Luc Jalbert about the success of his Moncton-based company Prelam Enterprises and its Just’a Drop and Just’a Spray bathroom products. At that time, Jalbert had recently returned from a New Brunswick government-led trade mission to China. Since then, the company has pivoted with regards to their China strategy and recently announced a major breakthrough in that important market.

ONB caught up with Jalbert on the eve of his next visit to China as part of our latest trade mission, which begins on January 13.

ONB: A lot has happened for your company since 2016’s Trade Mission. Tell us about your recent success in China.  

Export Success in China - Prelam Enterprises Jalbert: As of November, Prelam products are available at Aolaigo locations; that’s a major Chinese retail chain. We decided to focus our efforts on brick and mortar locations as an entry point into China, rather than e-commerce. There is very strong preference there for international brands versus domestic, at least within the growing middle class. So there is a surge in retail locations specializing in products like ours, made in New Brunswick.

We also just got confirmation that we will be moving into another chain retailer based in Hong Kong that focuses on premium foreign products, it’s very exciting news. We have really created a strong footprint in that part of the world. Thanks to our trips there with ONB and the provincial government we have learned how to effectively operate there. I have great distribution partners there now too; they ensure we have product delivered on time and are helping us with marketing and promotion.

It’s taken a year or so, but the hard work of all involved has paid off.

During our last chat, you mentioned online sales were the focus. Why the pivot from e-commerce to brick and mortar retailers?

We determined that going online first would have been a mistake because nobody knows the product. Brick and mortar was the proper starting point; it’s better for creating awareness and letting people see and sample our products for the first time. We’ll be focusing on the online space over the next year, looking to get on Alibaba, JD.com and other major online players. We will be doing plenty of targeted social media promotion as well. The key now is getting the product in front of people in stores and letting them try us out. They’ll then know what to search for when they’re shopping online.

Speaking of Alibaba, you were part of ONB’s Toronto trip this past fall. Our Export Development Team attended the Gateway ’17 event with over 20 New Brunswick-based organizations; tell us about that experience.

Events like that are essential, and Gateway was a very interesting and informative experience. It was also highly motivating. It will not be cheap to set up on Alibaba or JD.com; those platforms are expensive, but they do reach a massive consumer audience. We are now working at setting ourselves up on Chinese social media platforms like WeChat and Sina Weibo and looking to land key opinion leaders (KOL), Chinese celebrities that could endorse us on their own social media. We’re also hiring a consultant that will help us develop that brand strategy in China.

ONB is heading east again this week as part of our big multi-sector Trade Mission to China. You’re part of the delegation again, what are you hoping to accomplish this time out?

As with previous missions, we expect ONB will lead the way for us in terms of matchmaking. That’s really what this mission is about, finding new leads while further strengthening our existing relationships. I’m optimistic that more business will come from new matchmaking efforts, and that we’ll learn even more about how to do business in China.

You learn something new every time you visit. For example, since visiting last year we’ve learned about labelling; stickers require a production date and need to be translated. For our next batch — manufactured here in Moncton — we will buy and make the stickers here. Previously, we paid to get a third party to create and apply stickers for us; you learn as you go.

This will be my fourth time in China over the past year; that’s what it takes. Right now, approximately 300 million consumers make up the Chinese middle class, and over the next 24 months, that’s expected to reach 500 million. Prelam is well positioned; they love foreign brands, our early reviews are very positive, and consumers there simply aren’t used to unique products like ours. Every time I met with buyers during the last mission I was surprised to see how much people seem to love it. There is a huge opportunity for Canadian companies there.

Click here to read the original article

November 2017: Prelam products: made in Moncton, distributed in China



Prelam products: made in Moncton, distributed in China

Moncton, November 17th, 2017 – Luc Jalbert, cofounder of Prelam, will be heading to Shenzhen, China, on November 19th to sign a distribution contract for the launch of two products on the Chinese market in January. As of next week, the products Just’a Drop and Just’a Spray will be available in China.

“This is an important breakthrough for Prelam and for New Brunswick. We’ve been dreaming of this new business opportunity for a long time. It took a lot of hard work to get there. We want to thank the team at Opportunities NB, who helped us move towards our goal of exporting to China on a regular basis”, explains Luc Jalbert.

Prelam’s products will be distributed by 58youpin and Sway in China.

Luc Jalbert will be in China from November 19 to 24. He will visit some of the stores that will be selling the products to Chinese consumers. The official announcement of the partnership between Prelam and 58youpin, as well as the official launch, will take place during Opportunities NB’s mission to China in January 2018.

Prelam will also be participating New Brunswick’s next trade mission to China early next year. In addition to launching Just’a Spray and Just’a Drop, they will also be launching their industrial products and services (Prelam Solutions), their medical products (stomie) as well as a brand new line of beauty products, LUKY (http://lukyyou.com/).

“Our lab is always looking for new ways to innovate for our different markets. This breakthrough in China is the beginning of a new era for us and, hopefully, for other manufacturers in our region”, concludes Luc Jalbert.


For more information:


Luc Jalbert, cofounder


T: (506) 856-0252

To download this press release, click here