Tag Archive for: just’a Drop

May 2005: Moncton Business Named National Award Finalist

Contact Information:
Luc Jalbert, VP Sales & Marketing
Ph: (506) 857-0499 ext. 222
Cell: (506) 856-0252


Moncton Business Named National Award Finalist
Moncton, New Brunswick – A Moncton business with an innovative bathroom air freshener has been named finalists in a national competition for new products.
The Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors management team of the Canadian Grand Prix New Products Awards has named Prelam Enterprise’s ‘Just a Drop’ Magic Odor Neutralizer a Grand prix finalist in the non-food category for 2004-05.
Prelam Enterprises, owned by Don Goguen and Luc Jalbert recently introduced the product promoting it as innovative and revolutionary. According to Jalbert “it is quite unlike the traditional air fresheners.
He explained “A drop of the liquid freshener in the toilet bowl before use immediately seals in any offensive odors, which are flushed away leaving a clear, minty scent. The product is different from any we have seen and we are extremely pleased to have it along side other Prelam air fresheners.”
Just a Drop is being sold in Walmart stores across Canada and is expected be in other retailers nation-wide over the coming weeks.

The two Moncton men will travel to Montreal for a Gala awards night Sunday May 29. Master of Ceremonies for the evening will be Ben Mulroney.

Février 2005: Prelam lance le révolutionnaire éliminateur d’odeurs « Just’a Drop».

Luc Jalbert, VP Ventes & Marketing
Tél: (506) 857-0499 ext. 222


Prelam lance le révolutionnaire éliminateur d’odeurs « Just’a Drop».

Moncton, Nouveau Brunswick -Deux entrepreneurs de Moncton, au Nouveau Brunswick, ont pris le temps de humer les roses… littéralement. Il n’y a aucun doute que nos deux compères sont à mi-chemin de devenir une entreprise de plusieurs millions de dollars au détriment de compagnies reconnues telles que S.C Johnson et Proctor & Gamble. Leur nouveau produit : Just’a Drop, une petite bouteille parfumée qui révolutionnera la manière dont nous pensons aux assainisseurs d’air.

Les propriétaires de Prelam Enterprises, Luc Jalbert et Don Goguen, sont convaincus que Just’a Drop révolutionnera notre manière d’aller aux toilettes ! Présenté lors d’un grand salon de Toronto en novembre dernier, Just’a Drop est maintenant sur les étagères des Wal-Mart de tout le Canada. Certains demandent déjà à être réapprovisionné.

Son fonctionnement, son emballage et la manière de l’utiliser rendent ce produit unique. Contrairement aux autres assainisseurs d’air qui ne font que masquer les odeurs gênantes, Just’a Drop les élimine directement à la source. Une goutte de ce produit dans le bol de toilette, juste avant son utilisation, crée un film qui élimine les odeurs avant qu’elles ne s’échappent. D’après Jalbert « les résultats des tests préliminaires nous indique que nous tenons un gagnant. C’est une petite bouteille discrète, très facile à utiliser et suffisamment portative pour que vous l’emmeniez en voyage. Elle est aussi extrêmement pratique pour les personnes souffrant de maladies telles que Crohn.»


Febuary 2005: Prelam Launches Revolutionary “Just A Drop” Bathroom Odor Neutralizer

Contact Information:
Luc Jalbert, VP Sales & Marketing
Ph: (506) 857-0499 ext. 222
Cell: (506) 856-0252


Prelam Launches Revolutionary “Just A Drop” Bathroom Odor Neutralizer
Moncton, New Brunswick – Two entrepreneurs in Moncton, NB, have literally taken time to smell the roses and are on their way to parlaying the moment into a multi-million dollar business against the likes of well recognized names like S.C. Johnson and Proctor & Gamble. Their new product: Just A Drop, a tiny sweet smelling item that will revolutionize what we’ve come to think of as bathroom air fresheners.
Luc Jalbert and Don Goguen, owners of Prelam Enterprises Inc., are convinced this product, which they introduced at a major trade show in Toronto last November, will revolutionize the way people use the bathroom! It has just hit the shelves of Wal-Mart stores across Canada and re-orders are already coming in.
What makes this product unique is both what it does and how it is packaged and used.
Unlike air fresheners that mask bathroom odors, Just A Drop- virtually suppresses them at the source. One drop of the product is put in the toilet bowl before use. It immediately creates a seal trapping in any smells before they are flushed away.
According to Jalbert, “the results we have gotten from early focus testing of this product tell us we have a winner. It is in a small, unobtrusive bottle, is remarkably easy to use and is sufficiently portable it can be taken with you when you travel. It is also extremely helpful to suffers of Crohn’s Disease and similar ailments.”
