October 2017 : Moncton’s Prelam Solutions to embark on commercial mission to Mexico from October 23 to 26
Moncton, October 10th, 2017 – Prelam Solutions, a division of Prelam, a Moncton based company, will be in Mexico from October 23 to 26 to explore the possibility of exporting its industrial and agricultural odour analysis and solutions services.
“We will be on site to make odour assessments for two bovine farms, a pigsty and a sewage treatment plant. We will then return to our labs in Moncton to analyse that data collected and propose solutions to eliminate the odour problems. Our goal is to try to make the situation more acceptable for citizens. In short, we help industries and communities find better ways to live together”, explains Luc Jalbert, cofounder of Prelam.
This visit could lead to an opportunity for the company to export its expertise and products. Some of Prelam’s household products are already being sold in over 1,500 retail stores in Mexico under the names Gotaroma and La Gotita.
“Our Mexican partner is very interested in the possibility of using our ecological industrial products. These products are made right here, in Moncton. This contract could lead to direct job creation in our region. It is a tremendous opportunity, not just for Prelam, but for the overall economic development of the Greater Moncton area”, concludes Mr. Jalbert.
Prelam Solutions offers exterior odour measurement, analysis and solutions services; they are mostly targeted towards industries and governments.
For more information:
Luc Jalbert, cofounder
T: (506) 856-0252